Estate Tales From a Gift Planner's View
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Speaker's Bio:
Judy has been with the McIntire School of Commerce at the University of Virginia since 1984 serving in various roles in the development office, dean’s office, and business office including serving as fiscal administrator of the School. She currently holds the title of director of major and planned gifts and concentrates most of her efforts on estate and gift planning with alumni throughout the states, so she travels extensively. Judy has an undergraduate degree in accounting from Liberty University and an MBA from Averett University. She and her husband George have lived in Palm Coast since 2001. They have two grown children and seven grandchildren.
Cost: $20.00 payable at the door. Please note that persons making reservations and not canceling by noon, Wednesday May 22nd will be invoiced by the EPCFC for the program cost.
Edward A Geppner, CPA
Geppner & Associates
10 Florida Park Drive North, Suite D-3
Palm Coast, Florida 32137
P 386-283-4943
F 888-420-3792