Integrating Home Equity into Retirement Strategies – legal, Tax & financial implications and opportunities

Date: Thursday, June 20, 2019
Time: 8:00am - 10:00am
Location: Holiday Inn Daytona Beach LPGA | 137 Automall Circle, Daytona Beach, FL
Speaker: Hank Sanders, American Advisors Group – Strategic Business Specialist

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This 60-minute workshop is designed to provide a more advanced look at tools and strategies that advisors, fiduciaries, attorneys, and tax professionals may wish to incorporate into their planning for clients in, or approaching retirement age. With the rapid increase in the number of retirees and the significance of wealth in home equity, professional advisors may have a responsibility to understand how housing wealth fits into their clients’ comprehensive plan in order to serve in the best interest of the client. This workshop will specifically address research & math revealing that the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage is no longer a product of last resort, but rather a meaningful strategic tool to address retirement needs and risk mitigation for mass affluent families.



You do not need to be a member to attend. General public is always welcome for a cover fee of $30 at the door.

If you are interested in becoming a member, you can fill out an application at the meeting and your Program Fee of $25 will be put toward your 2019 Annual Dues of $200. Applications are on-line for your convenience.

Cost: $25 if you RSVP by Friday June 14, 2019  | $30 after June 14th

Members are free, but must have RSVPed by Friday June 14th

A $10 fee will be assessed if you did not RSVP 

 Reservations: If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at

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