Estate Planning for Digital Assets and Social Media
Topic: Estate Planning for Digital Assets and Social Media.
What happens to your FaceBook postings when you die? Who owns your Instagram pictures? Who gets control of your Twitter account? How does your family protect those memories from being lost forever?
Bio: A former DeLand City Attorney, (1989-1992), General Counsel and Project Coordinator for Park Equus, in Kissimmee, Florida (1987-1989), General Counsel for the University of Alaska Statewide System (1980-1985) and Assistant University Counsel at Cornell University, New York (1977-1980), Ms. de Parry has also been an attorney in private practice in DeLand since 1993. Currently she is engaged in a general civil practice, concentrating in the areas of probate, estate planning, business and commercial law, real property transactions, civil litigation and mediation.
Cost:$20.00 payable at the door. Please note that persons making reservations and not canceling by noon, Monday, September 14th , will be invoiced by the EPCFC for the program cost.
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